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August 13, 2023

AKISAN USA 2023 Nat'l Convention

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Chapter News

  • Our Programs

    • Our chapter which was re-packaged with June 2014 election, is now very vibrant with renewed sense of optimism. The year 2014 was a year of Reconciliation, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction as the great people of Akwa Ibom State in Los Angeles re-united once again and gave birth to what is now called "Los Angeles Community Chapter".

  • Our Activities

    • 2014

      • Since coming to office in the last quarter of 2014, my administration has been busy trying to live up to its promises of revamping the chapter following years of internal war of attrition. The first thing we did was to organize a community picnic. With barely, two months before AKISAN National Convention at Phoenix Arizona, we hurriedly produced Miss Akwa Ibom contestant who participated in the beauty pageant contest at the National Convention in August 2014.

        We ended the year 2014 with a robust 1st Annual End-of-the-Year Gala during which 150 Certificates of Excellence were awarded to 150 students from elementary school through college, 60 of whom were college students. We also produced a 2015 almanac which were distributed to AKISAN chapter and members at Houston Council meeting in April 2015.

    • 2015

      • Community Outreach Activities

        The year 2015 was a special year in that we took time out to visit the homeless residents of Skid Row area of Los Angeles on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Several items such as McDonald gift cards, old but clean warm clothes, clean shoes, sanitary pads, and other items deemed less valuable but use-able were given out. The satisfaction of helping another human being who is less fortunate cannot be quantified.

      • Fund Raiser for Charity

        The year 2015 was equally ended with a bang. We had the Second Annual End-of-the-Year gala which witnessed a successful fundraising event. The fundraising was geared to tackle water-borne diseases in Akwa Ibom State. Plan is underway to purchase chlorine tablets in United States and ship them to Akwa Ibom citizens in Nigeria where it will be added to drinking water sources to fight water-borne diseases.

        Also during the gala night, the women “Divas” launched their brand-new Ekombi costumes which came straight from the Canaan City of Calabar.

    • 2016

      • Unlike the previous year, we’ve rolled out Special projects that will cover the remaining months of the year. In view of the unfortunate deaths we experienced in the community this month of April, we’ve planned to have a presentation on Healthcare and Insurance once again. In the month of June we’ve planned on having the Youth Week during which we shall recognize our Youth/Children who have graduated from High School and College with special Awards. There is also a plan to have a presentation on Education later in the year. Our annual picnic will take place during the month of July. Some other programs like Investment, will be presented again later in the year. All things being equal, we plan to end the year again with another End–of-the-Year gala.

      • National Secretariat

        Los Angeles Community Chapter has entered the race to bring the National Secretariat and National Presidency to Los Angeles for the year 2016/2018.